Sip and Puff Alternative

The Shannon SPA is an alternative for the widely used sip and puff switches. These devices are commonly used to activate two switch functions; one by sipping and the other by puffing. They are used in alarm systems, for calling assistance, environmental control, computer access, and more.

Standard Sip and Puff switches use tubes or straws and membrane chambers where saliva and other fluids can build up during use. They have to be cleaned often to remain hygienic and require maintenance for reliable operation. When used by different people, they need interchangeable parts or thorough cleaning and disinfection. Also, they cannot be used by people on a respirator.

The SPA system comprises a main switch unit and a sensor of choice. Several types of touch or proximity sensors are available and they can be exchanged easily. There is almost always a solution possible to control the SPA with fingers, head, chin, foot, lips or other body parts.

The Main Switch Unit

When used as a switch, the SPA converts the sensor signals into switch outputs. Each of the two outputs has an indicator light to show activity. On activation the SPA can give an audible click. Both switch outputs are fully isolated and can be used to activate an alarm or other signal inputs.

The micro USB connector is used to connect the SPA to a pc. With a special Windows program various settings in the SPA can be changed.

The micro USB connector is also used to power the device and recharge the batteries. A standard USB mains adapter is sufficient.  When the SPA is connected to a PC, tablet or mobile phone, the SPA will be powered from this device. It is then also possible to send keyboard signals or mouse clicks to the connected device.